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Bat Yam Temple of the Islands


Bat Yam's Rosh Hashanah Service Recordings 2020
Are Now Available to Share and View Again!

We had a record turn-out this Shabbat at our virtual Rosh Hashanah Services at Bat Yam Temple of the Islands, and the recordings of those services -- led by our incredible spiritual leaders Rabbi Stephen Fuchs and Cantor Murray Simon -- are now available to view again or share with your friends and loved ones!

Our BAT YAM ROSH HASHANAH EVENING SERVICE from last night, is available here on our private Bat Yam Temple of the Islands YouTube channel:

Our BAT YAM ROSH HASHANAH MORNING SERVICE of this morning is also available on our private Bat Yam YouTube channel here:

Our BAT YAM ROSH HASHANAH TASHLICH SERVICE "SANIBEL STYLE" was filmed at noon on the Sanibel beach and is available on the Bat Yam Temple of the Islands Facebook homepage:

We wish all of our Bat Yam family, community and friends -- whether in Southwest Florida or elsewhere! -- best wishes for a sweet, happy, healthy and peaceful New

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